Nutz: Eyaaaahhooo!!
Finally got this mailbag special up. October surely is a special
month... The Nisan Sanctuary got its 100,000 hit count
(LE), and we have two staffers celebrating their birthdays too.
One is The Contact on October 19, so let's all flood his
mailbox with greeting cards and make his bday memorable. MAIL
As for the other celebrant, er, I won't tell!! ^_^ Anyway, have
fun with this Mailbag special, and on to more hits!! Thank you
Jeez, I came aboard when the site was only about 40,000 hits.
I helped celebrate 50 000 as the rookie, but now I can help celebrate
100 000 hits as an experienced person. For you Xenofreaks today,
we have over 20 letters, ranging from the normal, to the inquisitive,
to the downright wacky. Special thanks to all of you who have
sent letters previously, and to those of you who will in the
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Hyuga and the Nisan
Sanctuary staff present the Mailbags Special 100 000 Hits Edition.
It should be a blast, eh?
To submit HTML questions, comments, suggestions, violent reactions
about the site or any other thing other than Xenogears, then
use the COMMENTS
Otherwise, if your mail is XG related, submit your messages HERE.
1 - 15) |
1. Input Password
Sender: |
Q: On
disc two i went down the elevator and i cant solve a input number
A to D. |
Hyuga: Easy, the password
is as follows:
A = 2
B = 4
C = 8
D = 5 |
2. Deep Freeze
Thelma |
Q: Hi,
I recently purchased Xenogears. My playstation has Gameshark
attached to it but I have turned it off. Any how when I started
to play the game when I went to the options menu and tried to
save, a message came up which said checking memory card---then
the game just froze up on the screen---I could not continue ---
in fact when I reset and went through it again, the same thing
happened--is this some sort of glitch in the software?
Could it be a defective game? How would I tell? Any help would
be appreciated. |
advice would to be remove the GS period. I've noticed that the
thing seems to reject Squaresoft games often. FF7 wouldn't load
unless I had started the file with a GS. If that doesn't work,
exchange your copy of the game at the place of purchase. It probably
is a defective piece of software if the GS doesn't cause it.
Also check your memory card. Nutz reported that her XG game also
froze sometime in Disk 1 while loading a saved game. She found
out that Xg *is* highly sensitive to a memory card's quality,
and what she did was copy the save to a new Mem Card. It ran
quite smoothly after that. |
3. The Heat
Beginner |
Q: Well
I'm a little behind, and I'm stuck in the sewers and cant figure
out how to move on. I already began battling but my gear overheated
and now when I go to the battle arena they tell me I cant go
in for security reasons. I would appreciate any help you can
give, thanks in advance. |
Hyuga: Go back to your dorm
and sleep. Despite the fact that you woke up there, it should
bring you to another day. If that doesn't work, try exploring
the town. If that still won't work, mail us again with complete
details on your current location. |
4. Japanimation
Moses |
Q: Out
of all the Xenogears websites, this by for has to be the best.
Now on to the questions. I was wondering, what's the difference
between the Japenese and American version movies in Xenogears.
I'm too lazy to download one of each, so it would be great if
I actually knew what I was downloading. |
Hyuga: From what I know,
the only difference is that they show a little more of Elly at
the end. Now that I've said this, there are probably many guys
going out there and downloading these videos. Sickos.
Nutz: Not quite, Hyuga.
I took a shot of the Japanese video, and here it is. The only
difference between the versions is maybe the language. (of course
Niponggo for the Jap version, doh?)

The Japanese movie still is a rip off. Over censorship sucks.
^_^ |
5. Movies and
Raven |
Q: I
don't know if this is a silly question or not, but what is the
LAST line Krelian says? I always miss it! When you do that Lunar
view movies code, on the second disk, while showing the silent
films and a couple of the ship and Yggrasil ones, they play Star
of Tears. I thought that was really neat :) Also, what's your
thoughts on FF8? I personally thought it was a bit dissapointing
story-line wise. Xenogears is still the best! |
Hyuga: I believe it's this
that Krelian mutters: "Actually, I envy you two."
Really? I only tried the first disc. I'll have to try that.
Well, the thing with FF8 is, it's like Zelda. Over-hyped and
can't live up. I liked it overall, but it was still disappointing.
Movies were great. Music was horrible, almost every tune hurt
the ears, until the end. That last boss music is great, but Eyes
on Me stinks. The story is cliché, though it was done
fairly well up until the end. Finally, I'm still not too sure
what was going on at the end, since they did a horrible job at
explaining. The ending video was confusing. I liked it more than
FF7, but it's still under Xenogears in terms of, well, everything
but graphics. That's my 2 cents.

So does FF8 suck? Rinoa says "Nyah!" =P |