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Ahem, so here is a little section dedicated to all those people who helped make this site possible. Ranging from the big companies to the individual contributors, we'd like to express our deepest gratitude for giving your all out support and trust in this little project.

 PROLOGUE - The fulfillment of a dream

When I first learned HTML (way back last year, Jan 98), I only thought of making a site that would house my poetry and artworks. I was satisfied making such a small site back then, and my first works were merely patched up by MS Word's HTML wizard. It was only late November that I bought an HTML book that was to be my Bible... I read and read until I finally found my calling -- I want to be a Web Designer! Thus, I dug up the idea of making a site for my favorite games. My prototype sites were about Tomb Raider 2 and Street Fighter Alpha, and they were, ugh... unsatisfactory. My disappointment then led to self-pity, thus I threw my book away and gave up HTML. However, it was January 1999 when I decided to give it another shot -- right after I finished Xenogears, the best game that I have definitely played in my entire life. Xenogears became my inspiration, and with such zeal in my heart, I waded through HTML, Java, Adobe Photoshop and Javascript. My very first Xenogears site was uploaded last January 25, 1999, and it was very well satisfactory. Being perfectionist in nature, I still wasn't quite happy with what I did, thus my Xenogears site underwent four major layout changes, this present site being the last. However, I still am not that TOO satisfied with my present work, but I really must stop focusing on this site so that I could develop others. Nevertheless, this site is the fulfillment of a dream - and I want to thanks each and everyone of you.. the staff, the people who supported me, affiliates, links, friends, critics, and especially you, dear viewer, for your visits. You people really made this girl happy. ^_^ Until the next sites!



Our Thanks to the following people and sites:

RPG Gamer - for their movies and endless influence on Nutz. Their site really is one great source for us RPG addicts!
Gamerz Library - whoa!! gotta be the best site I've ever seen! Thanks for all your support and influence on Nutz!
Wuffy - owner of the now closed Xenogears 101
The Growing up Channel - one of Nutz' IRC families. They taught her how to climb mountains, as well as overcome problems too.
Gautam - aha.. your real name! But hey, I won't mention who you are, I swear! Anyways, thanks for everything.. words fail me in expressing my deepest gratitude. Anyways, I can always tell all of it to you via ICQ *wink*
Gamer's Reality - our neat host! We owe them everything, so we're really grateful! ^_^
Svante - a great friend and advisor. Check out his page too!
The staff: Core, Id, Big Joe and The Contact... well done!
Xenogears Infinity - one of my cool affiliates. His layout is an inspirition for Nutz!
Quakecity - Gamer's reality's host. The owner is one cool guy, and his name is Scoots. Thank you very much for all your patience and assitance!

And, this list will be a bit longer soon, after we really make our complete list. Our utmost thanks goes out to all the viewers.. thanks for all your mail, comments and support! ^_^